September Yard Cleanup Tips

As the vibrant colors of summer begin to fade, September marks the perfect time for Central New York homeowners to prepare their yards for the coming fall and winter. At Michael Grimm Services, we understand the importance of a well-maintained landscape, especially as the seasons change. With over 40 years of experience in tree and landscape management, we’re here to offer some expert advice on cleaning up your yard in September to ensure your property remains healthy and beautiful throughout the year.

1. Leaf Cleanup and Mulching

In Central New York, early fall is a season of falling leaves, and while they may add a touch of autumn charm, leaving them scattered across your yard can lead to issues like lawn suffocation and mold growth. We recommend regular leaf cleanup throughout September to prevent these problems.

At Michael Grimm Services, we offer thorough leaf removal services, but we also encourage homeowners to consider mulching some of the leaves. Shredding the leaves and using them as mulch helps retain moisture, improve soil quality, and provide insulation for plant roots during colder months. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly way to recycle organic material!

2. Tree and Shrub Pruning

September is the ideal time to assess your trees and shrubs. Pruning dead or damaged branches now helps improve the health of your plants, encouraging strong growth in the spring. It also reduces the risk of broken limbs during winter storms, which can cause significant property damage.

Our team of certified arborists at Michael Grimm Services is well-equipped to handle all your pruning needs, ensuring that your trees and shrubs stay healthy and structurally sound. We also offer trimming services to shape hedges and shrubs, keeping your landscape looking neat and tidy.

3. Lawn Aeration and Overseeding

After a hot summer, your lawn may be compacted and looking a little worn out. September is the perfect time to give it a breath of fresh air. Lawn aeration helps relieve compaction, allowing water, nutrients, and oxygen to reach the grassroots. This promotes healthier, more resilient turf.

We also recommend overseeding at this time to fill in any bare or thin spots. The cooler temperatures and increased moisture in the fall create ideal conditions for grass seed germination, giving your lawn a head start for the next growing season. Michael Grimm Services offers aeration and overseeding services tailored to the specific needs of your yard.

4. Garden Bed Cleanup and Plant Care

Your flower beds and gardens will also need attention in September. Begin by removing any dead or dying plants to prevent pests and diseases from overwintering in your soil. It’s also a great time to trim back perennials and clean up any debris that may have accumulated over the summer.

At Michael Grimm Services, we can help with garden bed cleanup and also offer advice on which perennials to cut back and which to leave standing for winter interest. For example, leaving the seed heads of certain plants, like coneflowers, can provide food for birds during the colder months.

5. Prepare for Fall Planting

September is the perfect month for planting trees, shrubs, and bulbs. The cooler weather allows new plants to establish their roots before the ground freezes. Whether you’re looking to add a new shade tree or some fall-blooming perennials, we can help you select the right plants for your landscape and ensure they’re properly planted for long-term health.

Let Michael Grimm Services Handle Your September Cleanup

Yard maintenance in September sets the stage for a healthy, beautiful landscape year-round. Whether it’s cleaning up leaves, pruning trees, aerating your lawn, or planting for the future, Michael Grimm Services has the expertise and equipment to get the job done efficiently and professionally. Contact us today to schedule your fall cleanup and get your property ready for the changing seasons!

By taking care of your yard now, you’ll enjoy a lush, green lawn and healthy trees next spring. Let our team at Michael Grimm Services help you achieve the landscape of your dreams, even as fall sets in!

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