Poison Ivy Eradication

If you have ever woken up in the morning with a faint feeling on your forearms, hands, neck, or face that quickly turned into the most insane fiery itch you ever experienced, complete with weeping blisters and a big rash, this is for you!

One of humans’ biggest foes in the yard is the Three leaved arrangement of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak, watch for the dark green glossy leaves with big teeth on the margins, growing on vines up trees and structures, or on a short viny stem blanketing the ground. If you spot it, STAY BACK AND CONTACT MICHAEL GRIMM SERVICES INC!

Our technicians have figured out the best and most effective ways to eradicate Poison Ivy from your yard and gardens without harm to you, your valuable plants, or themselves.

Get a quote today. Don’t let Poison Ivy be a continuing chronicle in your outdoor space any longer!

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